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Kalifornische Burger-Philosophie

Die FastfoodFreunde haben jenseits des Großen Teiches und des Bibel-Gürtels Brüder und Schwestern im Geiste und im blog. Ich meine die food-Abteilung des LAist. In Fast Food Friendships drückt der LAist seine/ihre Haltung gegenüber fastfood aus: "LAist has nothing against fast food and the cholesterol-clogged arteries it produces simply because, well, it tastes damn good." Und You Give Us the Beef: Best Burger in LA? liefert tiefe Einblicke in das Verhältnis Burger-Mensch: "A good burger is hard to find. Fast food joints lure us in with low prices and speedy service, but often send us packing with extra pounds and a bad taste in our mouth, whether it's their politics or their processed meats. But a burger is a state of mind, a craving, a bite of Americana right up there with apple pie. And burgers can get dressed up for all sorts of occasions: hoe-down style with BBQ sauce and some onion straws, dressed to impress with designer cheese and pricey wedges of smoky bacon, or down and dirty slathered in chili. It's easy to become a burger elitist or connoisseur; we become devotees to one neighborhood diner, joint or stand, or, we treat the burger like a gourmet meal, and sample the beef-and-buns at high-end restaurants. And while we know it's pretty tough to beat an old fashioned home-grilled backyard BBQ burger, there are some choices in LA. We'll tell you what we like, and then it's your turn." via the angry anthropologist